An eccentric dreamer in search of truth and happiness for all.

Category: Motivational

Some Thoughts

Note: Originally posted on Facebook on July 8, 2019

There are many things in this world that are not under our control. That’s fine. Worrying about those things is not productive, so try not to. Focus your energies instead on the things that you can reasonably affect around you. Do what you can to make the experiences of life around you something better first. If the opportunity arises to do something big and important, go for it. But not every circumstance is the same. Make the most of it, do what you earnestly, sincerely believe is right, to the best of your ability and understanding.

We are only responsible for what is within our power to change, nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes we think we are weak when we are strong, and vice versa. We cannot be certain that we are right, but it is our responsibility to try to understand as much as we can, and act according to the reason that makes us uniquely human.

Mistakes are inevitable. No one is perfect. We are all born into this world knowing nothing, forced to struggle to learn the truth in a world filled with uncertain doubts, grand deceptions, and unfathomable mysteries. That many of us rise above these things and reach towards wisdom despite them, should be applauded as the triumph of human decency and spirit.

Do not expect things to be easy, because all that’s left are the hard problems that caused past intellectual giants to stumble and fall. It takes humility to recognize that the challenges we face are not trivial, and that we may not see much progress in our lifetime. But if we can plant the seeds of the future, we can hope that the countless generations after us will be eternally grateful for our willingness to volunteer and sacrifice to do what we believe in.

Try not to let the harsh realities of the world shape you, but instead, adventure to reshape the world around you in a way that is beneficial to all who share in this place we call home.

Try to understand, and be gentle to those who are ignorant, for not everyone is as lucky as you who have the luxury to seek sometimes painful truths rather than the comfort of ideas that console and justify. And be always vigilant against allowing ourselves to be intellectually lazy, seeking convenient facts that excuse our past choices, rather than ones that will help us to make better decisions in the future.

It is likely beyond human comprehension to see the full view of the truth. We are invariably tied to the senses and our nature. But perhaps if we make the effort, we can still catch a glimpse of the possible, through the power of imagination and creativity.

Life is a gift, a rare chance to be a part of something exciting and wondrous. And though there will be moments when we don’t feel well, that’s okay too. Not every day needs to be bliss. Life tends to be a myriad of experiences, and so long as on balance, there is more happiness than suffering, I would argue the world is good enough to justify protecting and improving it, making it all the more worthwhile.

Ideally, we do so in a way that is fair to everyone, without exception.

Just some thoughts.


The truth of the matter is that there are people in this world who have left a lasting and profound impression on me. Were it not for them, I likely would never have learned the lessons I did and become the person I am. Ultimately, for that I am truly grateful to have crossed paths.

Keep Going

When I was a kid, I participated in piano recitals and competitions. The most important thing my teacher back then taught me about performing was that, if you make a mistake, don’t stop, keep going.

In life, true confidence is not about being right all the time. It’s about knowing that when you make a mistake, you can recover from it and bounce back and continue to do the thing that needs to be done.

There is a time for reflecting and learning from mistakes. But in the midst of a time sensitive situation, sometimes you have to keep moving no matter what. Wisdom is knowing when this is and isn’t the case.

When In Doubt…

When in doubt, try to remember why you’re doing this. Try to remember what drives you forward. Remember what makes you passionate about what you’re doing. There’s a reason why.

Sometimes when you’re in the midst of the struggle, you can forget it, but it’s worth remembering why you care about the things you do.

Every day comes with its own challenges. Some are stranger than others. But at the end of the day, you believe in something that pushes you to take another step. What matters is that you take a step, how ever small, in the right direction.

Life is a journey of small steps. We all stand on the shoulders of giants. We make a map of the world by where we visit. Sometimes there are dragons we must face.

Sometimes the dragons drawn on our map are already defeated, and we just have to find out what’s actually there now.

The things we do matter. They may only matter to us, to our close family and friends, but that’s more than enough. If something matters to anyone, it matters in this grand universe of ours.

So take a step forward. Keep moving. Even if it’s hard. If you’re debating between the hard and the easy, it’s because the hard thing is somehow worth more, otherwise you’d just do the easy thing.

Sometimes life is darker than bright. In those times we should remember our dreams, because they can be a light, how ever faint, that guides us through the dark forest of doubt.

Of The Wedding And Other Thoughts

It was kind of surreal. We’d had to postpone the wedding on several occasions due to the COVID-19 pandemic so far. And then, there was a window of time where it seemed like restrictions were easing and life might go back to normal. My fiancee was tired of pushing things back. She really wanted to move forward with her life, and I felt the same.

It’s kind of strange. To be married. To have this ring on my finger that represents a promise and means so much. In some ways I never thought I’d reach this point. For a long time in my life, I’d assumed that good things happened to other people, that my life was just a bunch of suffering and stuff that happened for reasons beyond my control.

I’m happy. Somehow, my life seems to have turned out okay. I’m married to a wonderful girl, kind, intelligent, beautiful, innocent, and adventurous. My dream girl for all intents and purposes. She understands me. She gets my weird quirks and listens to my silly intellectual meanderings. She’s the one person I can be myself around. Apparently I am something of a cat.

She visited me as often as she could when I was in the hospital. I matter to her, and she matters to me. We click. We have the same taste in video games. We are very silly at home when no one else is around to disapprove of our silliness. She has an imagination, a beautiful, creative, brilliant mind. She is inherently decent. The core values that really, deeply matter, we share.

At the end of the day, what matters in a partner is that you find someone you can grow old together with. Someone who can share in the adventure of life. Someone you can really, deeply trust the judgment of. This is why I chose her. She is wise beyond her years.

She isn’t perfect. No one is. There are things I can find a bit annoying. Arguments about ideas that stem from the very different cultures that we grew up in. But these aren’t important. I don’t need the One to agree with me all the time. In fact, I want her to challenge me if she thinks I’m wrong. What’s important is the intangibles. Her sense of humanity. Her thoughtful consideration. Her willingness to be reasoned with and to try to understand why.

Ultimately, I want her to be happy. Unlike many others in my past, her dreams had a place for me. She’s brought me such happiness in the past three years. Without her, I doubt I would have stayed strong in the face of many of the challenges my life threw at me. She’s been a pillar of support, the light of my life. With her, I am finally, truly happy.

I hope that you, dear reader, if you haven’t already, will be able to find such happiness as well.


I believe God gave me this love for the people in this world. I will not allow the forces of darkness to twist and corrupt that love. I will stand with the forces of light, in all their forms, those who choose to trust in their highest ideals, despite the risks inherent.

Please continue to dream. For ultimately it is by dreaming that we push away the nightmares. It is by hoping that we defeat our fears. It is by steadfastly being loyal to what we know in our hearts is the truth, that we pierce the veils of deception that may blind us and surround us with noise and chaos and complicated illusions.

Do what you believe to be right. In the end, you cannot control the consequences, but you can ensure your intents are what they should be. No truly just power in this universe will blame you for that.

You don’t need to believe for there to be a higher power protecting you in mysterious, hidden ways that seem like mere coincidences. I simply suggest you keep an open mind, so that when the time comes, you can easily align yourself with the allies of the light.

For you share a common belief in what is good, because there is something universal about feeling and being a part of any reality. Recognize this common thread that unites us, so that we may work together, even when apart.

Don’t fear the dark forest. Let there be a light in the woods to guide you home.


There’s a famous quote:

“Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.”

I prefer an alternative way of thinking:

Let justice be done, so the heavens form.


Life is music. It has its crescendos and decrescendos, its moments of rest and staccato, and its message is not in words but in the impressions we feel as we experience it.

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